(Reinier Elias Foundation)




Reinier Elias was a general practitioner for 30 years in Epe, the Netherlands, when he, not yet 68 years old, died as a result of a bite by a tick which was infected with the Borrelia-bacteria (the cause of Lyme disease). During his illness, the symptoms of which seemed to indicate Alzheimer's disease, those around him had their doubts about the diagnosis of Alzheimer's. National and international specialists were sought to find other possible causes of the progressively worsening dementia and neurological symptoms. A treatment for Lyme neuroborreliosis using antibiotics was started which improved his health somewhat; however, he died in August 2010. It was not until 2013 when it was confirmed that the Lyme bacteria in the brain was indeed the cause of the dementia and the neurological symptoms. Recently, two articles on this research have been published in international peer-reviewed medical journals. See Literature Overview.

Dementia resulting from the infectious disease Lyme neuroborreliosis is almost indistinguishable from Alzheimer's disease, the most prevalent form of dementia. If in a timely manner this infectious disease is properly diagnosed and antibiotics are administered, dementia resulting from chronic Lyme neuroborreliosis is a condition that can potentially be treated.

Fortunately, the Netherlands also gives an increasing amount of attention to Lyme Borreliosis and therefore, the national government offers more financial resources. Nonetheless, the Founders believe that there is room in the margin,  particularly for further research on diagnostics and clinical treatment that deserve greater priority. The Reinier Elias Foundation was established with the objective to provide financial assistance to such further research.

Statutory Objective

The Foundation financially supports research on Lyme disease and the execution of all that is related or conducive to the foregoing.


In the short-term, the Foundation plans to further to grow the Foundation and to raise funds, so far mainly among family, friends and sympathizers of Reinier Elias in the form of donations, annuities and bequests. In the Netherlands, the Foundation is registered as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI). Using the many contacts acquired during Dr. Elias' illness in the small world of Lyme disease, the Foundation searches for suitable research, small- and medium-scale projects , both in the Netherlands and internationally that will meet the stated objectives.

Legal Status

The Foundation is registered with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce under the number 63523116.

For tax purposes, the Foundation is registered with the Netherlands Internal Revenue Service under No. 855.273.136 (RSIN).

In the Netherlands, the Foundation has has been granted the status of a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI). Netherlands donors to Public Benefit Organizations can take advantage of certain tax benefits.


Prof. (em.) Dr. Jan C.C. Borleffs, Chairman

(Mrs.) W.J.M. (Minnie) Elias - van der Lande, Secretary

G.K. (Charles) van der Mandele, Treasurer

The Board receives no remuneration for its activities.

At a recent Board Meeting Govert O. van Nieuwenhuyzen stepped down as Chairman in favour of Jan Borleffs, until his retirement in 2018 medical doctor internal medicine and professor Medical Education, first at the University of Utrecht and later in Groningen.


ABN AMRO, Grote Voort 247, Zwolle, the Netherlands

Account number NL53 ABNA 044 801 3118


The Foundation believes the international exchange of knowledge and information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne neuroborreliosis is vital. 

As part of its mission, therefore, the Foundation provides financial support for travel and hotel to medical researchers, PhD students or trainees with an interest in neuroborreliosis (but also in other tick-borne infectious diseases) to make it possible for them to attend an international congress or other scientific get-together, to give lectures or present posters on the results of their research (Reinier Elias Travel Stipend).

The Foundation is pleased to announce that in 2024 financial support could be extended to Mr. Julian Bakker from Wageningen University to allow him to attend a conference of the European Society of Vector Ecology (ESOVE) in Montpellier, France. Mr. Bakker made a presentation on Tick-encephalitis virus in the Netherlands: Interactions between ticks, virusses and rodents.


Because scientific meetings have been cancelled due to the Covid-19 (Corona) outbreak and travel has been severely hampered by governmental measures, the Reinier Elias Travel Stipend program described in more detail below was suspended until further notice. 

However, while the pandemic is not yet over, the Foundation is aware that international conferences involving travel are carefully being planned again, e.g. the 16th International Conference on Lyme-Borreliosis and Other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB), planned for September 2022. Therefore, the Foundation will resume considering applications – following, of course, Government travel restrictions in the Netherlands and in other countries to be visited.

Applications for contributions for research and potential publications are therefore again welcome and will receive appropriate attention.

How to apply for a Travel Stipend?

An application can be submitted to the secretary of the Foundation up to two months before the conference. Applications are possible at all times.

Include the following with your application:

  • your curriculum vitae
  • information about the conference to be attended
  • a brief description of the research on which you will present
  • the submitted abstract and the confirmation of acceptance by the conference organizer
  • the letter of recommendation from your scientific supervisor
  • your travel budget
  • the name of your Bank and your account number (IBAN in Europe).

In principle, the maximum amount of the award is € 1,500 or equivalent. Please note that a Reinier Elias Travel Stipend will be granted to any individual only once.

Selection Committee

Applications will be reviewed and recommendations to the Board made by:

Prof. Dr. W.F.M. Arts, Professor Emeritus of Child Neurology Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, Chairman 

Prof. Dr. J.C.C. Borleffs, Professor Emeritus of Medical Sciences Education and Training UMC Groningen

What is expected from you after completing your trip?

Within three months after the conference for which you receive a travel stipend, the Foundation expects to receive a 600-to-800-word report on the conference. This report and an abstract of your presentation or poster will be published on the Reinier Elias Foundation website.


A special Flyer for the Reinier Elias Travel Stipend is available as a Pdf RES Flyer Travel Stipend.pdf (178615)



The Foundation will furthermore support scientific research on Lyme Neuroborreliosis and more specifically to its diagnosis and treatment  as pursued by medical scientists or research institutions. Its support is not limited to the Netherlands, but, within the established objectives, it will also support projects abroad.

In principle, the Foundation does not provide grants to cover the costs of activities that have already taken place. In principle, the Foundation only provides donations once, therefore there are no periodic subsidies.

The amount of donations varies and will usually be between €500 and €2000.

The Foundation is a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI).  As a result, in principle, gifts from the Foundation in the Netherlands to qualified organizations or individuals are exempt from donation tax. 

Applications can be sent to the Secretary of the Foundation and should contain the following information (two copies on A4 format paper and without staples and without a ring binder):

  • Contact information of the applying institution (mailing address, e-mail and telephone number
  • IBAN/Bank account number of the applicant or institution
  • Accompanying letter describing the financing project
  • Budget of the project
  • Extract of Chamber of Commerce
  • A (financial) annual report of the past year
  • List of Board members and (if relevant) members of the Recommendation Committee
  • Summary of other funds applied to the Project
  • If a fundraiser was used, further details
  • Overview of earlier applications to the Foundation

Incomplete applications will be regarded as not having been received. 


Reinier Elias Stichting Secretariaat:
Dennenlaan 1
8161 AN Epe
p/a G.K. van der Mandele
Louis Couperusplein 2
2514 HP 's-Gravenhage